In total there are 7 different tables in the Ontario Building Code’s Supplementary Standard SB-12 that define the various compliance packages available to meet the energy efficiency standards for the province:

One of the tables above, TABLE, applies only when you are building an addition to existing house and clarifies what minimum thermal efficiencies (R-values) are required for building assemblies depending on the location of the house and heat source.

It is important to consider what zone your house will be built in as it is defined in the OBC (Ontario Building Code). Tables refer to ZONE 1 and TABLES refer to ZONE 2. The map below shows where the northern (ZONE 2) and southern (ZONE 1) Ontario regions are:


Once you have identified whether your house is in ZONE 1 or 2, the Compliance Package tables are then classified by the efficiency of the heating equipment or whether the house is electrically heated:

  • AFUE ≥ 92% → TABLE A

  • 84% ≤ AFUE ≤ 92% → TABLE B

  • Electrically Heated Homes → TABLE C

AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) – efficiency of the heating equipment; the higher the rating, the more efficient the unit is.

According to SB-12 Standard, a building is permitted to be designed in conformance with any of the Compliance Packages available for a specific location, if the primary heating is supplied by Earth Energy System or Air or Water Source Heat Pump that DOES NOT use electric resistance as a back-up heat source; otherwise, TABLE C should be used.

Have a good look at each of the tables as each package is to be chosen as a complete package for minimum efficiency performance. It is not meant to mix and match the various options but to select which one suits your build and then to meet all of the minimum requirements listed in the vertical column of each package.

Please be advised that there is a specific requirement for buildings that utilize combined space heating and domestic water heating systems. We would recommend reaching out to Design Experts for more details.
