Performance Modelling

Passive House

Passive House is a building performance standard that results in a phenomenal reduction in heating and cooling energy needed compared to a standard code-built home.  Based on the German Passive Haus standard, it is the most aggressive house standard.  An estimated savings of at least 75% on heating and cooling costs over current (2012) Code.  This standard can be applied to not only houses but also multi unit residential, apartments and even commercial buildings. 

The basis of a Passive House include a strict attention to occupant comfort, continuous high levels of insulation, elimination of thermal bridging, optimized glazing orientation and window performance, extreme air tightness, combined with super-efficient ventilation and mechanical systems.  The envelope of a Passive House is so aggressive that its almost silent from outdoor sounds.

Our associates continue to be on the leading edge of sustainable design with Certified Passive House Consulting.  As one of Canada’s most experienced energy modeling companies, fully trained as Certified Passive House Consultants, PHIUS+ Raters and PHIUS Certified Builders, with both European and North American CPHC qualifications, we can determine exactly what you need to do to reach the Passive House standard.  


